Sea Shore Kenmare

Directions from Kenmare Town
From Kenmare town - Take the N71 [North] Killarney Road for 300m – immediately after the Centra Filling Station take Left on to N70 Cahirciveen-Ring of Kerry And Wild Atlantic Way North Road - follow on for 400m - On Left observe Sign for Sea Shore Farm - take Left on to L7556 where you will shortly find us - we look forward to welcoming you.
Note: for those with GPS Satellite Navigation, the road is numbered L7556 and our co-ordinates are: latitude 51°52'36.61"N, longtitude 9°36'1.42"W.
Alternatively, from Kenmare town square, take Killarney National Park Road (N71), take first immediate left (Sea Shore and Car Park signposted) at the Bean & Batch Cafe. Follow the road for 1 kilometre, before arriving at Sea Shore.